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How to Establish Mindfulness into a Busy Routine

There’s power in mindfulness; it presents clarity. In this society and generation, our minds are constantly busy. We’re on our phones for work or we’re scrolling through our newsfeed, switching from app to app. If you’re a student, your mind wonders about class, assignments, and internships. If you’re a parent, it’s about what needs to be done when you get home, making dinner and finishing homework, and how to make sure everyone is taken care of.

There’s a constant flow of thoughts and worries about money, work, partners, friends, responsibilities, activities, etc. In all of this noise, choices are given to us and we’re too focused on other things to make the choices that really reflect our values and who we want to be.

Choosing junk food as a regular habit during your daily routine. Spending your time with your partner or family with your eyes glued to Instagram and text messages instead of having a meaningful conversation. It’s making a decision to be pissed about assholes in traffic and letting it fog your judgement throughout your morning and impact the interactions you have with your coworkers.

Let’s make it a habit to me more mindful throughout our day.

What’s one habit you notice you mindlessly do and one habit you mindfully do?

Assignment: Pick one activity throughout the day where you usually mentally “checkout” with worry or mental chatter. Is this when you eat breakfast? Shower? Brush your teeth? Drive home from work? Any one thing will do! Then, mentally check in with this grounding strategy.

Grounding Strategies Made Simple:

  1. 1. Take a deep breathe in for 3 seconds and out for 6 seconds if you are feeling physically unsettled. 2. Bring awareness back to the present. I find it most helpful to bring myself to the present with physical strategies like planting my feet firmly into the ground, stretching, and touching things around me to bring me stability. (when I’m in the car, I do this by grabbing the steering wheel.)

  2. 3. Stay in the present by calmly and slowly noting:

5 Things You See

4 Things You Can Touch

3 Things You Can Hear

2 Things You Can Smell

1 Thing You Can Taste

Then, if you are relaxed, let you attention go back to your most noticeable senses. Linger on smells, pay attention to the sensations in your hands as you feel your world around you.

An example is at Breakfast. What colors are your food? What texture? Is it cold or hot? Is it messy or easy to eat? How does it smell? Is it sweet or salty? Can you listen to music while you eat? What do you hear besides your own chewing?

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