alexabaliskimft5 Relationship Practices For Healthy Love“Most people think of love as a feeling,” says David Richo, “but love is not so much a feeling as a way of being present.” In this book,...
alexabaliskimftDoes smell impact my relationship?The short answer, yes. We have more olfactory receptors in our bodies than any other protein. Our body has the ability to chemically...
alexabaliskimftRelish App // Interview with the Founder of Lesley Eccles, also co-founder of Fan DuelFirst, what is Relish? Relish is the first-ever truly customized relationship training app that helps build a happy, healthy, more...
alexabaliskimftWHY #1 RELATIONSHIP APP “RELISH” IS THE NEW TOOL FOR SAVING RELATIONSHIPSMy personal and professional advocacy for “Relish” started during a search for tools to maximize couples’ results in therapy. I was...
alexabaliskimft6 Ways to Overcome Sexual ShameShame is often one of the core emotions surrounding an individual’s sexual difficulties when seeking support from therapist doing sex...
alexabaliskimftTired of initiating or saying no to sex in your relationship? Read thisThis post is inspired by one of the most common sexual dilemmas I see when I work with couples: the impact of frequent sexual rejection...